Contact details for Payment Gateway related issuesMobile No. 9827182890
Mail id :
DO's &
- Farmers should pay only from the registered bank account as shown on the challan.
- Farmer should ensure that the bank account details registered with DA&FP is correct and there are no errors like missing zeros, extra leading zeros, space, number in place of alphabet or vice versa in IFSC code (Eg '0' in place of 'O', 'I' in place of '1')
- IF account details printed on challan is not matching with farmer's bank account details then farmer should first get the same rectified with AAO in Farmer-ID and generate new challan for payment.
- Farmers should confirm from the bank which IFSC will be used for NEFT transfer as some cooperative banks are using IFSC of scheduled banks as per their arrangements.
- One challan should not be used more than once.
- Expired challan should not be used - validity is mentioned on the challan.
- Amount of NEFT should match the amount on challan exactly for both Rupees and Paise.
- Multiple farmers should not attempt payment against one challan even if the amount is the same.
- In case of failed transaction funds will be reverted to the remitted bank account only, check with that bank.